Drug residues in animals for human food and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 55.07] -
CR 14–024Safe Drinking Water Loan program [Admin.Code NR 166] -
CR 14–044Screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders [Admin.Code DHS 115.01, 115.02, 115.04, 115.05] -
CR 14–074Medical Assistance (MA) coverage for outpatient mental health services [Admin.Code DHS 35.16, 107.02, 107.13] -
CR 14–066Continuing medical education for prescribing opioids [Admin.Code Med 13.02] -
CR 16–070License to practice medicine and surgery: entrance to exams [Admin.Code Med 1.04] -
CR 15–021Physicians: continuing education audits [Admin.Code Med 13.06] -
CR 14–033Continuing medical education for prescribing opioids [Admin.Code Med 13.02] -
CR 16–070General update and cleanup of MEB rules re licenses to practice medicine and surgery and biennial registration [Admin.Code Med 1.01, 1.015, 1.02, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 14.03, 14.06] -
CR 16–047License to practice medicine and surgery: entrance to exams [Admin.Code Med 1.04] -
CR 15–021Physician licensure [Admin.Code Med 1.02, 3 (title), 3.01, 3.02, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 5 (title), 5.01, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06] -
CR 15–022Physicians: continuing education audits [Admin.Code Med 13.06] -
CR 14–033Telemedicine definition and provisions established [Admin.Code Med 24] -
CR 15–087Annual Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund fees and mediation panel fees for fiscal year 2013 and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -
CR 12–026Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund and mediation panel fees for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014; and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -
CR 14–046Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund annual fund and mediation panel fees for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -
CR 15–046Medical malpractice insurance: deductibles and cost sharing provision limitations re Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund; and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 17.35] -
CR 16–023Self-insured plans covering health care providers subject to ch. 655, Wis.Stats.; and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 17.50] -
CR 16–024Fire protection requirements re hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and facilities serving people with developmental disabilities [Admin.Code DHS 124.28, 131.38, 134.82] -
CR 16–087Home health agencies [Admin.Code DHS 133.01, 133.02, 133.06, 133.09, 133.13, 133.14, 133.20, 133.21] -
CR 16–077Home medical oxygen providers [Admin.Code Phar 14] -
CR 16–072ID card required before dispensing certain controlled substances; inpatient hospice added to definition of a health care facility [Admin.Code Phar 8.13] -
CR 16–018Pharmacist license renewal and reinstatement revisions, home medical oxygen providers provision [Admin.Code Phar 5.01, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06] -
CR 15–081Physicians: informed consent [Admin.Code Med 18 (title), 18.02, 18.03 (title), 18.04, 18.05] -
CR 14–040Radiation protection: regulatory authority revisions [Admin.Code DHS 157.03, 157.09, 157.10, 157.11, 157.13, 157.15, 157.21, 157.22, 157.24, 157.25, 157.33, 157.43, 157.44, 157.61, 157.63, 157.67, 157.71, 157.72, 157.74, 157.76, 157.77. 157.78, 157.79, 157.80, 157.83, 157.84, 157.85, 157.87, 157.92, 157.93, 157.94, 157 subch. XV, 157 Appendix A, B, E, H Table V, I, M, O, U] -
CR 16–078Medical Assistance (MA) coverage for outpatient mental health services [Admin.Code DHS 35.16, 107.02, 107.13] -
CR 14–066MPCP revisions [Admin.Code PI 35] -
CR 16–004Substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment for certain DCF work experience programs [Admin.Code DCF 105] -
CR 15–0912013 WisAct 1, the Ferrous Mining Law [Admin.Code NR 103.06, 123.02, 130 (title), 130.01, 130.02, 130.03, 130.06, 131 (title), 131.01, 131.02, 131.03, 132.01, 132 (title), 132.02, 132.03, 132.085, 135.02, 140.03, 182 (title), 182.01, 182.02, 182.04, 182.075, 213.02, 214.02, 406.08, 500.02, 502.02, 503.02, 504.02, 506.02, 507.02, 508.02, 509.02, 510.02, 512.02, 514.02, 516.02, 518.02, 520.02, 524.02, 526.02, 528.02, 538.02, 812.02, 815.03, 815.06, 815.11] -
CR 13–057Investment and Local Impact Board [Admin.Code Tax 13.03, 13.05, 13.06, 13.07, 13.075, 13.08, 13.11, 13.13] -
CR 16–076Use of race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, and team names: changes as a result of 2013 Wisconsin Act 115 [Admin.Code PI 45] -
CR 15–012Wisconsin talent incentive grant [Admin.Code HEA 5.04] -
CR 12–044Wildlife management: remedial revisions to regulations for hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management, removal of car-killed deer, and invasive species [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.04, 10.07, 10.102, 10.13, 10.24, 10.25, 10.285, 10.29, 12.10, 12.16, 13.30, 15.01, 19.09, 19.12, 19.13, 40.05] -
CR 16–037CDL skills tests: third party testing and affecting small business [Admin.Code Trans 115.01, 115.02, 115.04, 115.05, 115.07, 115.09] -
CR 15–065Motor carrier safety and affecting small business [Admin.Code Trans 327.14] -
CR 14–031Operator's licenses and ID cards [Admin.Code Trans 102.04, 102.14, 102.15] -
CR 14–061Operator's licenses and ID cards [Admin.Code Trans 102.15] -
CR 16–040Child care vehicle safety alarm [Admin.Code DCF 202.04, 202.08, 202.09, 250.08, 250.12, 251.08, 251.12, 252.06, 252.09] -
CR 14–028School buses: installation of 8-lamp warning system [Admin.Code Trans 300.02, 300.15, 300.16, 300.30, 300.34, 300.39, 300.40, 300.54, 300.61, 300.81] -
CR 15–069Uniform Traffic Citation [Admin.Code Trans 114.03, 114.06, 114.07, 114 Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] -
CR 12–019